Expandable dashboard for comprehensive overview of surveyed roads - total road length, condition rating, Road Maintenance Index (RMI) and many more...

Schedule your maintenance work plans with PRIMS Maintenance Work Plan.

Comes with HDM-4 recommended plans to reduce time in your planning and investment decision.
Link with Public Works Department for instructed work submissions. Supports GIS for easy tracking in real world.

Communicate with your audience effectively with PRIMS GIS for seamless presentation.

Diverse charts and report listings about road assets to drive informed decisions...

Comes with Mobile based application to support online and offline field daily work reporting.

Subscribe to PREMIUM version to access state of the art modules such as ENVIS AI based Pothole Detection System

PRIMS is customizable to suit your business needs. We look forward to hear your ideas...

Bringing a competitive edge to your business...
SRAMS Sdn Bhd was founded on February 2020 with clear aspiration to be recognized as the specialist in Total Road Asset Management System by incorporating their services with latest engineering technologies and state of the are IT solutions. SRAMS provides road asset management solution for Sarawak State Roads stakeholders.
Our organization is comitted to deliver these services at the highest standard. we complement our technical knowledge and skills with investment in sophiscated equipment and facilities.
Condition Assessment Strategy

We have qualified and experienced individuals to support you in Pavement, Structural/Building and Slope Condition Assessment. Our service includes deployment of Multi Laser Profiler, UAV, Coring and Dynamic Core Penetrometer (DCP) and Falling Weight & Heavy Weight Deflectometer.
Customized Solution

We can customize our analysis and management system to suit the purpose of your project. Our team is ready to hear your proposal.
Digital Based Solutions

We provide state of the art, industry proven IT solutions for businesses dealing with road asset maintenance and alike. We have Public Road Intelligence Management System, 3D UAV Mapping and AI Reality and Realtime based Solution to support your business needs.

Kumpulan Ikram Sarawak Sdn Bhd

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

OFO Tech Sdn Bhd

PPES Works (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd

Endaya Construction Sdn Bhd

QCCE & Asas Ulung JV Sdn Bhd

Pjp Barisan Hcm Jv Sdn Bhd

Diversified Utility Pembinaan Kuantiti Mexajati Sdn Bhd

JKR Sarawak
Contact Us
Click on the link below to get in touch with us on how we can assist you in your business.